Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Happened to Privacy?

I say it all the time to my friends, I absolutely despise social media. If I didn't have this website I wouldn't have a facebook, a twitter, an instagram or any other type of social network. It's not so much me hating social media as much as it's me hating what social media has become.

Whatever happened to privacy? Whatever happened to people not knowing every step you take and everything you do throughout your day? Where did it all go wrong that everyone thinks they're a celebrity in their own right and that people actually give a fuck what they're doing throughout the day. Unless you're Angelina Jolie posting a picture in a bikini that's telling me you're on your way to my house, I don't give a shit.

Have people become that self absorbed that they really feel like people care what they're doing all the time? Have you ever looked on facebook and some of these people? These girls go on vacation and I literally know every step that they take throughout their entire vacation. Why? Because it pops up on my news feed and is directly in front of me. And what makes it worse is that people click like on these fucking pictures and cause people to want to post more and more shit.

Sure, I know I sound like a miserable bastard but really think about it for a second. Was all of this really that important twenty years ago? No, people before our generation survived without this shit and I'm pretty sure we could to. But we just don't want to because of the false sense that our mediocre lives are important to other people. There is no longer such thing as privacy.

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