Monday, April 1, 2013

The Top 10 Worst Sports Injuries of My Time

After yesterday's gruesome injury to Louisville Guard Kevin Ware, naturally the only thing I was thinking of was the top ten worst injuries of my time. Key words, 'my time' so there will be no Joe Theismann broken leg, no Clint Malarchuck almost bleeding to death on the ice. Before we begin, Ware's injury is the worst I have ever seen, not even close, but I'm keeping it off the list. So without further a due, here's my top 10 worst injuries I've ever seen.

I guess I should probably mention this will be the grossest blog in the history of this blog so if you're not into this stuff I guess don't keep scrolling

Honorable Mentions -

* Baron Davis Dislocated Knee Cap (2012)

* Allen Ray Poked In Eye (2006)

10) Buster Posey Broken Ankle (2012)

Somehow and thankfully, this didn't ruin Posey's career. Scott Cousins trucked the shit out of Posey and broke his ankle. This injury probably would've looked worse if Posey didn't have his shin guards on which probably kept it in place for our eyes

9) Ed McCaffrey Compound Fracture (2001)

A lot of people forget about this one because it happen on September 10th, 2001. McCaffrey was absolutely killing the Giants that night, I think he had like 9 catches for over 170 yards but Shaun Williams had enough and put an end to that and ultimately McCaffrey's career.

8) Michael Bush Broken Tibia (2006)

The original Louisville disaster was Michael Bush. This injury wasn't largely gross, but the back story was. Bush was an animal the year before and was easily a top 10 pick in the upcoming NFL draft. First game of the season, Louisville is blowing out Kentucky, 38-10, and one of the first carries of the second half Bush gets crushed by a Wildcat linebacker, his leg stood no chance. Bush has managed to have a semi decent career but has a steel rod to show for this one.

7) Tony Saunders Broken Arm (1999)

Jose Canseco wrote in his book that this injury to Tony Saunders was the result of steroid abuse, nonetheless Saunders' reaction was what made this video so hard to watch. The sound of his arm snapping scares me every time I throw a baseball.

6) Jason Kendall Dislocated Ankle (1999)

There's a distinct possibility this was the first time I ever saw a human bone sticking out of the skin. Jason Kendall did this trying to leg out, no pun intended, a ground ball.

5) Willis McGahee Torn ACL, MCL, PCL (2003)

The magnitude of this injury was second to none. National Championship game, close game, great game, HUGE injury. The initial replay was unbelievable, the only way to describe it is McGahee's knee exploded on that hit.

4) Tyrone Prothro Complete Tibia and Fibia Fracture (2005)

Tyrone Prothro has two of the most memorable youtube videos of our generation. One was the amazing catch he had while being shielded by a defender and on catching the pass on the defenders back for a touchdown. The other video is this one, which was only a week or two after that catch, where Prothro's promising career ended. When he picks up his leg and it doesn't come with him, it is one of the most gruesome things you'll ever see.

3) Shaun Livingston Dislocated Knee Cap (2007)

Shaun Livingston was just beginning an extremely promising career until this injury. Until today, this injury was the benchmark for every basketball injury. He not only dislocated the knee cap he also tore his ACL, PCL, meniscus, and patella tendon. It's 2013 and even though Shaun is back in the NBA, he never has became the player we all thought he would be.

2) Marcus Lattimore Torn ACL, MCL and PCL (2012)

It took me a couple of weeks to finally catch this one. The emotional outpouring for Lattimore was surreal and so was the injury. Until today, I had never seen anything like it. It's a similar knee injury to McGahee's but the way Marcus' leg swings around made it much worse to see than McGahee's.

1) Sid Vicious Broken Tibia and Fibula (2001)

Bet you didn't see this one coming? You probably thought another football knee injury, or a basketball broken leg, boom game changer, a wrestling injury. Sid Vicious' leg stood no chance. He had a two hour, 17 inch rod inserted during surgery and his career was virtually ended.

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