Thursday, March 7, 2013

Is the Life Someone Lives on Instagram Actually Their Life?

Do you ever go on instagram and just wonder if the way people portray their lives through pictures is actually how their life is? Sometimes I just sit there and say that there is no way these people's lives could possibly be this good. Am I alone in this?

First of all, there is absolutely no way that everything you eat could possibly be as good as you portray it on instagram. If I ate out as much as these people claim they do I'd be living on the street because paying my bills would be completely out of the question. I'm almost convinced that the people I follow on instagram just walk into restaurants and ask people for permission to take pictures of their food and leave. You people eat out more than I eat at home. And anyone who knows me, knows I'm not a lightweight in the eating league.

Secondly, I had no idea you could afford bottle service every Friday and Saturday night at the most expensive places in New York City on your slightly above minimum wage job. You live at home, you tell me you make no money, and yet you're out poppin' bottles like you're fucking Rick Ross. Either you need to get your priorities in order or you're fucking with me, I'm not really sure.

I know I sound like a miserable bastard but I don't care, I'm telling it like it is. Is your life really as great as your instagram says? I know for a fact that it's not. But I guess I'll be the one with the last laugh when I'm financially stable at 28 and you're still going home to mom and dad. But you'd never know that, because I won't tell you on instagram.

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