Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Only Women Can Be Bi-Sexual

This is more of an educational post for both men and women. You hear about a lot of women who claim to be bi-sexual and it's okay because they're hot and they're women. Even women who aren't hot can be bi-sexual. Why? Because bi-sexual is just a choice that a person makes. There's no scientific evidence to prove why they're that way, it's strictly a person's choice.

However, that is a choice that only a woman can make. Women choose to experiment with other women all the time. And that is perfectly okay. But there is not a straight man on this planet who can say that he's bi-sexual. There is not a straight man on this planet who would ever want to experiment with guys. Why? Because if you experiment with a guy, you're gay.

I have nothing against gay people I am just stating a point. Even gay guys know I'm right on this one. I know, because I have asked them. Gay guys aren't attracted to women in any way. Sure they think some are good looking but they don't want to have sex with them. If a guy decided he want to be "bi-sexual" and fuck around with guys, he is gay, no questions asked.

This shouldn't even be an argument, every person who reads this knows this is 100% correct. Only women can be bi-sexual. Guys cannot be bi-sexual because if they are, they're gay. I'll leave you with this final quote that a wise friend of mine once told me and this should clear up why only women can be bi. You can build a thousand bridges in your life and never be known as a bridge builder; but if you suck one cock you're a cock sucker for life.

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