Thursday, January 10, 2013

What Was Wrong With Bringing a Bottle of Jager to House Parties in College?

Figured out the fucking picture thing, it only took me until the fucking week was almost over. Anyway when I share stories from college about drinking (and anyone who knew me in college had their questions about me and where my life was heading), the one thing people cannot fathom is my love for Jager. 

I don't drink it nearly as much as I used to because of the things it makes me do, but I still love it. I'll do the run of the mill Jager Bomb every now and then but I can literally drink that shit straight all day long. Now what I tell people of my college years is that I had a system when it came to attending house parties. The system was simple, don't show up empty handed. Even if I was drinking from their keg, with their red cup, and paying five bucks, I still brought something that was my own. 

Also, I always had that Nike bag with the strings to carry whatever it was that I was bringing. More casual drinking nights called for some keystones in the bag and other nights that I anticipated getting a little more intense involved Dubra (see the sidenote at the end for me to explain this). But when I wanted to get incredibly fucked up, and when I wanted to bring the fucking noise with me, I brought a bottle of Jager to the thunder dome. At first all I needed was one or two other maniacs to embrace taking shots and finishing the bottle with me. But as time went on and me bringing the Jager got more steady, people knew when I pulled it out where the night was heading for everyone. And it usually ended in a blackout. When your school is tiny, you basically just rotate through the same house parties over and over again. That's why we all knew each other so well.

But that's neither here or there. Was there something wrong with this? When I tell people of these heinous tales they look at me like I had some serious, deep rooted issues in my college years. Meanwhile, I look at it as I was just trying to party. What was wrong with this? Please tell me. I don't brag but there was a night where the favor was re-paid and a few people brought a bottle of Jager into my home. It was then finished in 45 minutes between three of us. Tilton, if you are reading this you were involved. But was there something wrong with my party habits back in my hay day? I don't think so. I just think I brought the noise with me wherever I went. And I will stand by that until the day I die. Which could be very soon due to the amount of Jager I have drank in my lifetime. 

Sidenote: For those who don't know, Dubra is vodka that is only made in like two states (New Jersey and Connecticut) and it's the worst vodka you can possibly by. It costs exactly $11.74 for a 1.75ml and it comes fully equipped in a plastic bottle. It also doubles as disinfectant. 

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