Friday, January 4, 2013

We All Watched an Orgy Get Ruined

There are these two bouncers at the bar I work at who will try and have sex with a large majority of the women who enter the bar on a given night. They "buy" them shots of the most disgusting liquor imaginable, then leave it to guys like me to get the girls hammered, and then they go on their way and have fun house orgies with them. I feel like I'm doing them a service by helping them out. However, last night when the two of them had the opportunity for a five way, one of them had to ruin it.

We have the tall skinny bouncer. He is the bad influence of most situations for the two of them. The other bouncer we'll refer to as huge jacked guy. Tall skinny bouncer had this chick that he clearly bangs come through with two of her friends. It was set up perfectly for huge jacked guy to come in about an hour later and me to get these girls so fucked up that an orgy would have been like fishing with dynamite. I did my part, huge jacked guy did not.

What happened you ask? While tall skinny bouncer was working it with his chick that he gives his dick to on the reg, huge jacked guy decided to fall in love with one of the other two girls. Rule number one of having an orgy is that you can't fall in love with any of the women. That's like THE ONLY RULE. Everything else goes, it's simple. Huge jacked guy was supposed to be working on not just one girl, but two girls because tall skinny bouncer already had his chick in the bag.

Huge jacked guy was giving like orgy and dating tips just five days ago, and then he goes and pulls this shit. Tall skinny bouncer was not a happy person. He was still trying to swing at least a three way with his chick and the other girl who was basically playing fifth wheel. It was in the fucking bag at the beginning and then huge jacked guy is ordering wings and fries and having a sit down dinner with this other chick. What the fuck happened?

Here's the deal. If you want to ruin an orgy you fall in love with one of the girls. If you want to get the orgy going you do YOUR job. And YOUR job is to just get the girls hammered enough to say yes. It's not difficult. Wings and fries aren't helping that cause. That is going totally away from what your job was. I was a bit disappointed in huge jacked guy, but I still love him. But while myself and one of the owners watched, we just got more and more disappointed. I felt like a disappointed father after his son tells him he crashed his Mercedes. Why? Because I expected better.

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