Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sue Me, I Like Girls on HBO

Cue all the Slothy you've got the gay comments. "Only chicks and gay dudes like that show!" I can't lie, I was one of these people. But, after the show won every Golden Globe it was nominated for I decided that I'd give it a chance.

It's awesome. It's very funny, very akward, and seemingly very realistic. The guys in the show aren't my cup of tea in terms of anyone I'd ever hang out with, but they live in the hipster part of Brooklyn so I forgive them.

Main character Hannah is always naked, I could definitely do without that, but I commend her on doing it because she knows she isn't attractive and she does it anyway. Her "BF" in the show (real name) Adam Driver is quite possibly the weirdest person on the planet, but he's hysterical in his own way.

Brian Williams daughter has quickly become one of my favorite actresses. If shes dating someone and he doesn't marry her, than that person is an idiot. (She's on the far left).

What I'm basically trying to say is, give this show a shot. It's definitely a little bit girly, but it's tremendous. Also, just to remind everyone I'm still a guy, I saw Les Mis over the weekend (being a good BF) and I absolutely hated it. Legitimately if I had paid to go to the theater I would have written a letter to the studio who produced it and demanded my money back. I would have walked out. See, I told you I'm straight!

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