Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Man Segment: Men Being Men, Stories From the Battlefield

Story from Mike (New Rochelle):
"Back in my hay day I was a big time Flip Cup animal. I could beat anyone, anytime, anywhere and everyone knew it. And then there was the night of survivor flip cup. It started out six on six and then shit got interesting. It turned out the team I was on happened to be the worst team every assembled in the history of flip cup. But there was me, the ace in the hole. I had been clearly drinking all night and playing games of three on three flip cup most of the night, but the six on six survivor ended up legendary. My team was dropping like flies and I think we won two games out of the first 7. The way these dudes were playing was ass backwards all night. The losing team actually got to pick who they voted off the team. Naturally, I was still there in the end. It was myself and six cups in front of me against four people with six cups in front of them. But I knew this was not a problem, I could pull this off. We did the up, touch, down and drink and I was in the zone. I hit all six cups in one flip and won by myself. After the last cup I looked at all of them and said, "You can't fuck with this!" and then I proceeded to do the suck it X around my crotch like I was a fucking WWF Wrestler. Yes, I said WWF that's how old the suck it move is. I left that shitty house party more than respected that day. That day was the day I became a flip cup legend."

Not gonna lie, it's almost hard to believe. Actually it's very hard to believe but I do believe it. I just need to witness this completely before I'm all in on it. Also, great move on the suck it move. I love that touch. Letting them know that you're not only good at flip cup but you're also original as fuck going back to the WWF Wrestling days. 

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