Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Men Get It, Women Don't

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You always hear women talk about guys and they always ask the question, "Why do good looking guys have sex with such ugly girls." Look, there is no underlined meaning to shit like this ladies. As men, we don't think, we just react. Don't quite understand it yet? Don't worry, I'll explain. 

When single men go out on a given night they are hunting prey. Sure, everyone starts the night looking to bang that chick who's a ten but that only actually happens like once every two years for most of us so we have to resort to what one would charitably call "lowering our standards". Or in laymen's terms it means drinking more alcohol. 

What's the point here? The point is that as men we just want to have sex. We'll live with the slightly chubby ugly chick who's good in bed for one night rather than the chick who's just a little bit better looking but is a dead fish. It's the equivalent to living with the home run hitter who strikes out a lot as opposed to the singles hitter who doesn't. And plus banging random ugly chicks is great practice so that by the time you're involved with the hot one you have had plenty of opportunities to work out the kinks. The random ugly chicks are basically lap test rats. 

Don't worry ladies, you will never understand the point of all of this. You just don't get it. But look at it as that we're doing this for you. Because when you get in bed with that guy and he's fucking awesome at banging you just know that he's been slaying random ugly chicks for years. And all of it's for you. 

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