Saturday, January 12, 2013

Drunk Story Saturdays: It's a Good Thing They Were Winning

Drunk Story from Pete (Jersey City):
"One night me and two of my buddies went out to watch a football game. I think it was Dolphins vs Steelers awhile ago and we went because my buddy who gives blow jobs also happens to be a Dolphins fan. We get there and the game sucks, the Steelers are manhandling them and I'm just trying to get fucking hammered. I look over at a table of huge black guys and I go, "Hey you, start cheering before I knock you the fuck out!" Ballsy, but whatever. They looked at me, started laughing and invited me over to their table. I yell at the waitress to just send my shit on my friend's tab because I'm sitting with the black guys now. They're loving this shit, I'm ripping shots of Hennessy with them, it was intense. It turned out they owned a bar in Philadelphia and they were just throwing 50's on the bar tipping this bartender after the game ended. When they were closing up I look right at the bartender and say, "Here it is man, we flip a coin if you guess it all the money's yours, if not I'm taking all of it." He looked like he was gonna shit himself and then I told him I was just fucking with him. He then looked at me and said, "It's a good thing the Steelers were winning." And then I realized I had just basically been hanging out with a bunch of gang banger black dudes from Philly. I guess it was a good thing they were winning." 

Yeah, totally stole my line right there. I was literally gonna say it's a good thing the Steelers were winning. I have no idea exactly how white you are, but I'm picturing a tall skinny Irish guy who's a typical loud mouth. And I expect nothing less from you. Nicely done. 

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