Tuesday, December 4, 2012

When Did You Become The Man Bro

When I witnessed this I almost couldn't believe my eyes. A guy walked into the bar, saw this dude he knew and said, "Get this one, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." What he meant by "get this one" was get this round of drinks while he takes a piss. I couldn't help but think who the fuck was this guy? And when the fuck did he become the man.

I couldn't do that shit with my main boys and not get punched in the face, yet this guy did it with some guy who's basically an acquaintance. I would've told this guy to kick rocks. Did he really think he's that fucking important that he can just ask people to buy him drinks while he goes and takes a leak? What a prick.

What were you a background character on a soap opera that no one watches anymore and now you think you're the shit? Or were you a guest DJ for one of your boys as a favor one night and now you think you're all Daddy Long Dick? Which one is it, because it takes balls to try and pull a move like this.

I actually wanted to punch you in the face for the guy who you asked for the drink from. When did you become the man? You're not, no one in the place knows who you are. If you're a guy who does this, you should be punched in the face. Unless your name is Brad Pitt or George Clooney don't go out trying to pull this move. You make men everywhere look bad.

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