Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If You Spend More Than Two Nights At His Place...

There's this big issue that goes on these days of how do you know if you're exclusive with someone. How do you know when you're exclusive? Is there something that needs to be said in order to go exclusive? Or is there something else that needs to be shown? It's a tough topic so let's shed some light on the situation.

Basic ruling, which is the best ruling on this topic is that if you spend more than two nights at the person's place, you're exclusive. I mean look at the evidence. If you're "just fucking" someone than you're not spending more than two nights at their place. Like you shouldn't even spend the night consistently if you're just fucking, no cuddling, no nothing, just fucking.

But if you're spending more than two nights and actually hanging out with this person, you're exclusive. Girls, has he made you breakfast? Has be cuddled with you when you've woken up in the morning? Guys, has she ran out and picked up coffee for you two? Have you watched early morning television together?

If you've done any of those things, you're fucking exclusive. Don't sit there and try to fool yourself into believing that you're going out banging other people every night, because we all know that you're not. You're exclusive and you know it. There's no I'm still on the market type of deal with shit like this. It's you're exclusive or you're not. And that's the whole story.

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