Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Do Women Do When They Hear A Terrible Pick Up Line?

Whenever women hear a bad pick up line, men don't really know what happens next. All we know about is the initial reaction where she gives us a look like we're a rapist and then walks away. But what about later in the night or even the next day when she's with her girl friends? I'm assuming this is when the hell breaks loose.

I can just see women the next morning talking to their friends and laughing hysterically telling them the terrible pick up line and then just continuing to make fun of the guy. I'm assuming they'll make fun of something like that the creepy guy was wearing. They'll probably say something like, "He was wearing a fucking sweater vest and thought he was gonna fuck me, hahahaha!"

Then I see a group of chicks hanging out talking like a few days later as they all share their stories of bad pick up lines from the weekend. Now although these pick up lines may be terrible, the girl will still remember the guy. And when she sees him again she's gonna know exactly who he is and probably try to hide from him. But given enough alcohol I'm pretty sure she'll fuck him the next time around.

So what's the initial reaction when you hear a bad pick up line ladies? Is the initial reaction, "Wow, I can't believe he just used that,"? Or is the initial reaction, "Holy shit I can't wait to run home and tell my friends about this idiot,"? From what I have seen women do I think it's a mixture of both. But you know what? We don't care how bad the pick up line is because sometimes by some stretch of our imagination they actually fucking work. And then you can sit there with your bitch friends and wonder how it actually worked on you. I'm guessing it's because deep down you have a little slut in you.

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