Monday, September 10, 2012

Slothy's Solemn Statement

Just want it to be noted that I won't solemnly be doing anything, I don't care about being called a clown, I probably am a clown. Let me back track by saying I don't think Mark Sanchez is as bad as Jaws made him out to be on his countdown. I really do believe that Sanchez has the skill set to become a top ten QB in the NFL. If you look at his arm strength, ability to stretch out plays, and how good he can be on play action, he has the attributes of a very successful NFL QB. Now, onto why he was so shitty last year, and I've told daddy this on numerous occasions...I truly believe his turnover to TD ratio was so high last year was because of a right tackle who shall remain nameless. Now... his name shall be revealed as Wayne Hunter. When you have an offensive linemen who is essentially a sieve and allows DE's to attack Sanchez and make him roll out to his weak side to make throws across his body you are setting your QB up to be incredibly inconsistent. Now whoever wants to call me a clown after that analysis is a ninkapoop. That's not the whole reason Sanchez hasn't been a top QB so far in his career, but it was definititely an impediment last year in his development.

On to last nights game against the Bills. They looked great. There was nobody happier about the way the Jets played last night than me. I had a baseball game at 1pm that day so I DVR'd the game and excommunicated myself from the world until I watched the game when I got home, you wanna talk about me being a fake Jets fan anymore? No? Yes? I don't care honestly, but I do at the same time...if it was someone who I cared anything about...which evidently I do because I'm writing a long winded serious post...but I really don't, it's shear entertainment. But, although the Jets offense looked great, Leron Landry is a manchild, and the Jets corners look to be as good as they've been in 3 years...let's not forget it was the fucking Bills. A franchise that decided to pay Ryan Fitzpatrick 59 million over six years with 24 guaranteed...a contract that is going to BURY an already sinking ship. Add to that, this is the only team in all of football who thinks that they are special enough to target Darelle Revis on a consisitent basis. This is a team that rarely finishes near the top of the AFC East and a team that has been dominated in it's own division year in and year out for the past decade. The Bills will finish the season 5-11 and will once again go 1-5 or 2-4 in the division. Regardless of how bad the Bills are, it doesn't take away from the fact that Jets looked pretty goddamn good yesterday. And I'll go back to my point earlier about Mark Sanchez losing a year of development because of that coffee filter playing RT last year...Austin Howard stepped the fuck up yesterday and was the unsung hero of that game, no doubt about it. With Wayne Hunter, yesterdays game would have been entirely different. Mario Williams would have had 2 sacks, 4 tackles, and made Sanchez hurry on half of his throws...instead the most highly sought after free agent was a non factor yesterday...if Howard can keep up playing like this, I believe that Sanchez will have the best year of his career and hopefully I will eat my words of mediocrity and the Jets will have a successful season.

In the final scene of Pulp Fiction, Harvey Keitel-"The Wolf"- drops a line that I think Jets fans need to follow, "Let's not start sucking eachothers dicks just yet." Couldn't be more true. Next week is a true test for this team. Steelers, in Pittsburgh coming off a week one loss. I don't care about the outcome as much as I care about the signs that there is a good team on the field this season. I think the Steelers will test them and I think it will be a good early indicator about how this team will play against the best competition in the league this year.

Also, went 3-4 in picks yesterday, called the 9'ers upset like a boss and am well on my way to a 4-5 start to the season if the Bengals decide to show up tonight. 85% is basically an impossible goal to reach...if I could pick right 85% of the time I wouldn't be working at all, ever. However I do believe I will win this year, and I will continue to post whenever the fuck I please (John Malkovich voice).

p.s. I know that Johnny Ebbs actually likes me. So, bro, come to my defenses here.

pps. Fuck you Daddy

ppps. Fuck you Tommy the Mic

pppps. Tim Tebow is still the worst backup QB in the NFL

1 comment:

  1. Not gonna lie Sloth you have stepped up your game recently, and I don't actually hate you. But the Hammer runs this blog, so Hammer makes the call. I'd treat it no differently if I was in your spot, although I wouldn't be rooting for the Jets.
