Thursday, September 6, 2012

Say What You Want But The Giants Got Flat Out Embarrassed Last Night

I've never been more embarrassed to be a Giants fan than I was last night. Honestly, I was ashamed to say that I root for this fucking team after that performance. From the players to the coaches, it was all around horrendous.

First of all, it's opening night against your biggest rival and you flat out didn't show up to play. The self proclaimed "best defensive line in the league" did absolutely nothing all night long. Justin Tuck, all you did was miss the biggest fucking tackle of the game in the second half that let DeMarco Murray run wild for what was the turning point of the fucking game. JPP the "emerging superstar", you fucking sucked last night. I don't wanna hear shit, you were awful. You made one fucking tackle against a guy who had no business blocking you. And fucking Osi, where the fuck were you last night? Did you even leave the fucking locker room? Sure didn't look like it. All I saw from you was you crawling on the fucking floor after getting bitched around by a shitty Dallas offensive line.

Victor fucking Cruz, you're next bro. You dropped THREE fucking passes last night. You're an NFL receiver, you wanna be considered great then catch the fucking football. You all wanna hop on the let's blame Eli train? How about we blame the terrible offensive line who gave Eli exactly zero time to throw the entire night. And Kevin Gilbride the offensive coordinator, when we can't run the ball just fucking throw it. You have a great QB back there, let him throw the fucking football. Stop putting us in 2nd and long and 3rd and long situations when we showed no signs of being able to run the fucking football.

Lastly, fire whoever the strength and conditioning coach is for these fucking corner backs. When all of them keep getting hurt, it's on the training staff. There's something wrong here. That was an absolute embarrassment last night all around. If you think any differently you weren't watching the same fucking game. I'm sick of this team showing up to play only when they want to play. If you couldn't get up to play on opening night at home against your biggest rival, you don't deserve to put on the pads.

Sidenote: The replacement refs suck to, don't even get me started with them. And on 3rd and 12 with the game on the line how did you not know they were going to Ogletree? The guy lit you up all day. Somebody call up Lou Avellino to cover this fucking guy please (that's a shout out to my high school football team because you would only get that if you played high school football with me, yes we played against Ogletree).

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