Friday, August 10, 2012

It's Nobody's Fault It's Just What Happens To Guys

You know people who knew you when you were younger and thought you were like this sweet kid? Then sudddenly it's eight years later, you're all grown up and you're suddenly not that sweet little boy anymore. It's a shell shock to this person as they try and wonder what happened to that kid. But little do they know that it's really nobody's fault, it's just what happens to guys.

What do I mean? Well over the years shit happens to that nice little boy who's so naive and has no idea what the world holds. Then something amazing happens. That little boy hits puberty. He grows some hair on his nuts and then all of a sudden they start realizing they're interested in women. And they're still that sweet boy at this point, but then what happens? They get stabbed in the back by some cunt.

This triggers off the savage deep inside. Every man has it, it's just a matter of when the savage is set to come out. Usually after the first heart break, the baby savage is unleashed. But then he meets another girl, is sweet, gets his heart broken again and that is when the full fledged not giving a fuck savage comes storming out like a bat out of hell. He realizes he can just have sex with girls and he doesn't have to talk to them. He realizes he can do man things.

Next thing you know that sweet little boy is now a maniac who doesn't care what people think, has zero standards on women and has no filter on him and will just say whatever is on his mind. That person who knew that sweet kid wonders where it all went wrong, but little do they know that it doesn't all go wrong. It's just what happens to guys. Why? It's all because of a few cunt women. Because of a couple of cunt women is the exact reason you have asshole, savage men.

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