Saturday, August 18, 2012

Drunk Story Saturday's: Let's Go Camping

Drunk Story from Bobby (Staten Island): 
"We'll me, my brother in law and basically all my friends decided to take a weekend camping trip to upstate New York. When I say all my friends I mean there was like fifteen of us up there ready to get reckless. We attempted to go white water rafting during the day but that ended up being 5 of us sitting in a raft with three thirty packs and demolishing them. One of my friends was knee deep in the water trying to catch fish in khaki's and sneakers, that's how drunk the day started. When we got off the raft we got told we couldn't leave all the empty beer cans in there so we had to try and put them in my back pack and we just had families looking at us like we were the biggest degenerates on the planet. It was then that shit got interesting. First we found like a rage in the middle of the woods out of nowhere. Don't know how, but we found it. Then we meet these girls. They weren't hot but it was slim pickin's up there so we just decided let's bring these girls to our site/area and play flip cup with them. Next thing you know, I turn and one of these girls from Marist starts blowing one of my friends who is leaning against his pick up truck like literally right in front of us. Now my brother in law had never hung out with me and my friends before this so he was basically mortified at this point. And then this next thing happened. The girl who was blowing my one friend then decided she was going to blow my other friend in a more secluded area. She was just ready to give out rounds to everyone. My friend is taking a piss before his blowjob and the girl walks up a little hill and my friend just hears a loud thump. He turned around and she was gone. So he walks over that little hill and looks down and it's a ditch that's like eight feet down with the girl laying face first in it. He thought she was dead, I thought she was dead and everyone else thought she was dead. My brother in law freaks out and literally starts packing his tent up and decides that he's driving all the way back home. I told him to make sure he didn't tell my sister until the morning because she would definitely call my mom who would then call me and I had no service so she would then probably drive up here thinking I was dead to. The cops come, the fire department comes and the ambulances come. We all thought she was actually dead, but she was just unconscious and woke up from the fall. Needless to say we were relieved that the poor girl didn't die. The next day my sister calls me up to tell me that my brother in law said he's never hanging out with me or any of my friends ever again and that only two of my friends are actually normal human beings and the rest of us are animals. I've never been more proud of my friends."  

This is nothing short of epic. Just your run of the mill whore who was going to give rounds to every single one of you and falls down a ditch and cracks her head open. That would make for phenomenal television right there. And as far as your brother in law goes tell him to stop being softer than baby shit. I guess your sister took his balls from him to when they got married. Email me your address you need a t-shirt my friend.

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