Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Best and Worst Commercials

Ok, so first things first, I'm not dead. I won't bore you with a reason why I seldom post anymore, I'm just like George Sanders and I was living in a world without inspiration...but enough is enough, I need to make a comment on two commercials that have been airing on TV nonstop. One of them might be my favorite commercial ever, and the other drives me absolutely fucking insane. These commercials are from competing fast food chains, so without further adieu here they are:

Hilarious. Absolutely love it. When he say's "umm try zombies" I lose it every time. Also, KFC advertising chicken bites sounds absolutely delicious and the close up of the chicken hitting the sauuwwce gets me slightly aroused. Commercial perfection KFC, well done....then you have KFC's main late night disgusting food competitor Taco Bell who decides to put out this gem:
Literally want to shoot myself in the head when she says, "We'll see about that." First off Taco Bell, who the hell do you think you are putting out a gourmet burrito bowl. Just who the hell do you think you are? Chipotle has got that market locked the fuck down. You guys have the "I'm absolutely wrecked out of my mind, I have three dollars, no self-esteem, and I'm craving something that will make me shit my brains out to offset the puke" market in the palm of your hands. Stick to what you're good at Taco Bell, and spare me the bullshit about this woman being a world class chef. I'd absolutely wreck her in a chefoff no doubt about it. Chopping cilantro like a goddamn amateur. Below Average Taco Bell, below average.

1 comment:

  1. Ha I love that this is a reaccuring thing for you, being dead and all. Will say tho the KFC commercial is not funny. Parent's are squares if they can be so easily fooled by fried chicken. Do agree that Taco Bell blows
