Tuesday, July 3, 2012

If It's Ending Abruptly, You Should Be Able To Figure It Out For Yourself

If a long relationship comes to an end rather abruptly and out of nowhere then you should be able to put the pieces together especially if you're a guy. If you're a guy, and she just decides to end your relationship at the drop of a hat the reason is simple. She's fucking someone else. 

Is it something that you did or is she just being a whore? Well it's probably a little bit of both. You probably just got comfortable and just sat back and relaxed like Jason Siegel in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and in the meantime she met another guy, they started fucking and now your ass is getting the boot. However it's still a whorish move to do that behind your back. 

Now what do you do if and when this happens to you? Because it is going to happen to you at some point in your life. That's just the way nature works. So by the law of averages this is bound to happen at least one time. What do you do? You get the fuck up off your couch, forget the sob story, and then you go out and have some fucking fun. There's not quick cure for this other than staying busy and nailing anything that moves. A pulse is optional at this point, you're just trying to fuck anything.

It's not secret as to why most relationships end. It's because one of the two meets someone else and they jump ship for greener pastures. Sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong but it always happens. Don't be naive to the situation. If it's ending abruptly, your significant other is fucking someone else. Don't try to figure out why, just go get an STD test and a bottle of something strong. You'll be over it in a week. 

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