Saturday, July 7, 2012

Drunk Story Saturday's: Jameson Tastes Even Worse Coming Out

Drunk Story from Carl (Middletown): 
"It was my first night ever guest bartending and of course I thought I was a badass because I was behind a bar for two hours. I was also working with two really cool mother fuckers and the whole guest bartending plan worked to success for the bartenders this night. What's that plan exactly? Make the guest bartender stay after their time is up, give them a couple of free shots, get them drunk, and make their money back. Let me tell you, that is exactly what happened. See I didn't realize that a bartender's main shot is Jameson. Guess what I hate drinking? Jameson. After about ten shots of Jameson and a couple of shots of Jager I was fucking annihilated. So much so that I was basically passed out in the cab. Getting out of the cab was where things got fun. I looked to my left, nothing there. Looked to my right, nothing there. Looked five feet in front of me and I see what looks like a garbage pail. I sprint over, stick my head in and start yacking all over the place. Like everywhere you could imagine. I had never thrown up this much from drinking in my life. By the time my friends got me to the train I was laying on the floor getting stepped over by people. Needless to say, the Jameson tasted even worse for me on the way out."

I'm with you on this one bro. I fucking hate Jameson. But you have to know your limit if you don't drink it. Like after three or four shots, switch to something else otherwise you're in for a shitload of trouble. And mixing Jameson with Jager? Horrid idea. You might as well just stick a knife in yourself and pull out your liver cancer now.

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