Friday, July 13, 2012

Can I Defend Kobe For A Minute Please...

Everybody is all in a fucking uproar over Kobe Bryant saying that this year's Olympic team would beat the Dream Team. Now before we get into it, can I ask every single one of you mother fuckers a question who are shitting on him for this? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU WANT HIM TO SAY?! Would you rather have the guy who's the captain of the team say that they're really not that good? If I was the captain of a team I would be telling the media that we would beat anyone you put on the floor against us. Because you need to think you're better than everyone else or there's no point in showing up. Even if I was the captain of a schoolyard team I put together and someone asked me if we were better than the dream team, I would be saying yes we would win the game. I love that he said that. Everyone just wants to jump down his throat and say that it's an absurd statement and you know what it very well might be. But guess what? If you don't think you and your team are the best then you're just better off staying home and taking the loss. It's all about how you look at yourself and your team. And it starts with thinking you're the best. So shit on Kobe all you want, but every single one of you would say the same thing if you were in his shoes. 

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