Monday, July 9, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


What a gem this one is. Just another Mother of the Year candidate receiving the highly coveted Asshole Of The Day Award. This one is good. Mom gives birth, then smokes some bath salts. Then she gets naked in the bathroom of her hospital room and rolls around on the floor. The cops get called and try to restrain her as a nurse tries to give her an anti hallucination drug. She punches the nurse in the face, tries to bite a cop then kicks another nurse in the chest on the way out. This whole fiasco just proves you should need a license to have a kid. Also, the fact that anyone had sex with this chick in general is amazing in itself since she looks like fucking Beetlejuice. I mean really what else can you say about this? Not much other than here's your t-shirt. I award you no point and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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