Friday, July 6, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


We're a little passed the halfway point of the year and this kid is going to be tough to beat for our Asshole Of The Year Award. Let's try and figure this one out, or let's not because we really aren't going to be able to. You decide that you're gonna eat some shrooms with your friends and drink a tea made out of the fungi from the shrooms. First of all, that's just psychotic. Next, his friends leave because he falls asleep. Fair enough. Then he wakes up, thinks he's having a bad dream and wants to wake up. Still good here. And then he goes into his parents bedroom, grabs a .22 caliber and shoots himself in the forehead to try and wake up. What? Yeah, have you ever heard of pinching yourself bro? Or like doing ANYTHING else. Even if you would've shot yourself in the leg or something, but the forehead? What kind of shrooms did you fucking eat? Luckily for him he survived just so he can be made fun of by all his friends for the rest of his life who think this is just as funny as I do. Whenever stupidity wins in straight sets, I have no sympathy. You'll just have a nice scar in the middle of your forehead for the rest of your life. It's gonna look like Harry Potter except you did it to yourself. Here is your t-shirt. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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