Thursday, July 5, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


This dude in Florida is all pissed off because he just got sentenced to 162 years in prison for his first offense ever. His first offense also happened to be armed robbery, which also happened to happen seven times. So let's see, seven armed robberies, shooting at a guy dressed as a hot dog, and your accomplices ratting you out sounds a lot like 162 years in jail to me. What'd you expect bro? Just because you had never been charged before they were gonna go easy on you? This isn't a fucking DUI or a drinking in public summons. It's armed fucking robbery. Maybe you should've thought about this way earlier like before you robbed all those stores. I have zero sympathy for you big guy. Here's your t-shirt, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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