Friday, June 1, 2012

Women Falling In Love With Fictional Characters vs Men Falling In Love With Strippers, Who You Got?

Well played B Slata, well played; however I am going to argue against your theory here and tell everyone why women who fall in love with fictional characters is way dumber than men who fall in love with strippers. Here we go...

1. She's actually there: See what you ladies forget to figure out is that when we sit there slobbering over a stripper with our hands on our dicks, the stripper is actually there in the flesh in front of us. When girls sit there rubbing their twats over some made up pussy from a book, he's not actually there in front of you or even real for that matter. 

2. You get what you pay for: You pay $10 for you book to sit there and fantasize about shit, but you're only paying $10 for it so that's all you should get. We can pay a cool $225 to actually have them pretend they like us and have sex with us for that amount of money. Once again, getting what we pay for. If you could pay $225 to get boned by some fag from twilight you probably would, but instead you pay $10 to sit there and fantasize about what he could be doing to you instead of actually doing it. 

3. Condoms were made for a reason: I'm not worrying about catching the clap because I'm just gonna bag it up and let the condom do it's job. Which is to protect me from catching the clap, if it fails I'm a millionaire when I sue the company and can get the old Magic Johnson treatment. 

4. We meet our expectations: There's no fantasizing involved. It's actually quite simple. We hand them a sum of money, they perform their duty, and we leave happy. We are paying them to pretend that they're interested in us. We know they're not interested but our expectation is that they'll be awesome at riding some dick because that's what we're paying them for. And guess what? Our expectations are met and we don't even have to call them the next day. 

So there are my four reasons as to why falling in love with a stripper is actually way less dumber than falling in love with a fictional book character. We at least have something to show for it with the negative balance in our bank account and the load we just shot. What exactly do you chicks have? 

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