Monday, June 18, 2012

A Microcosm Of The Jersey Shore As Told By This One Advertisement...

This is top five one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. As I'm sitting on the beach this weekend a plane flies by with this banner attached to the end of it. And you know what? This right here is a microcosm of the Jersey Shore in one advertisement. "Cheat On Your Boyfriend Nite" says everything you need to know about the place. For one, you deal with idiots and assholes everywhere you go, hence the completely wrong spelling of the word that's supposed to be "night" not "nite". How did no one pick this up? And then when it comes to actually cheating on your boyfriend, there's no better place than the shore. Just turning perfect relationships into your girlfriend getting triple teamed by three guidos covered in Jesus tattoos. The sad part is that every chick who's in a relationship and lives down there will be attending this night. And at least more than half will be cheating. If my girlfriend even thought about going I would tell her to kick rocks. The Jersey Shore just being illiterate, drunk and stupid; they just don't know any other way of life do they? 

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