Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Drunk Guy Who Tells You Everything He's Drank...

Everyone knows that one guy who gets hammered and just starts blurting out anything and everything that he's drank that night. Just straight up getting shitfaced and then giving out his lineup of drinks in the exact order he drank them and how many of each type he has. Is there anything on this earth more annoying than this guy?

Actually don't answer that because anything in the category of a female would be more annoying. Moving on, what's this guy's deal? I mean first of all, no one actually gives two shits what you actually drank. Second of all, why is it suddenly this important dick measuring contest to let me know how many bacardi and cokes you had?

"Dude I drank seven captain and cokes, five stoli raz and sprites and then had eighteen shots of Jameson." Actually no you didn't because you would be dead. Did you ever notice how overly exaggerated this guy is? He probably had close to eight drinks and like a half a shot and he ends up like this guy in the picture up top. Falling asleep at the bar and going home to nothing but his right hand.

Do you know a guy like this? If you do then you can do me a very easy favor. Next time you're out drinking with him just make a full fledged fist, tell him to come by you, and then punch him in his face. Trust me he'll never give you his drunken itinerary ever again. And if he does, hit him over the head with a bottle. There's not a judge or jury that could prosecute.

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