Friday, June 8, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


You're on trial for assault and you're await the judges ruling, what should you do? A) Wait patiently and hope you're not going to prison, B) Do something awesome since there's a chance you'll be going to prison, or C) Tell someone publicly on facebook that you think you'll get away with it and then most assuredly go to prison? If you chose C, you my friend are absolutely correct. How many times have we seen dumb people get caught doing something because of facebook? Too many, doesn't anyone learn? No, because people are morons. Someone saw that he said he thinks he'll get away with it, they brought it to the court room, it was considered a confession and he's going to jail for 46 months. One of the dumbest things I have ever seen. If you're gonna be an asshole, at least do it privately. I have no sympathy for you and your stupidity. Here's your t-shirt, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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