Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Alpha Male vs Alpha Female Who Ya Got? Part 2

Valid points, but I’m here to speak for all the women out there and let everyone know that the competition of the Alphas is like good sex, females always end up on top.

First off, I will concede that a true Alpha male can lay game on almost any girl that walks his way. Any girl EXCEPT an Alpha female that is. Women love assholes, but alpha females love fucking with the asshole’s head. It’s like a fun challenge for us to see how much of a pussy he can be before he breaks. You always hear guys say “man, this one chick fucked with my head real bad.” Yea, that was the work of an Alpha female, you’re welcome. 

Alphas males think they run the show, but in reality they just can’t keep up with the power of the V. Seeing a guy trying to prove their worth over a woman is like watching a puppy try and tackle a bigger dog. It’s cute, but also kind of pathetic in a way. Why? Let’s look at what makes up an Alpha male and an Alpha female: Alpha males are usually big, strong and…stupid. He is only the Alpha male because he can beat up on the weaker males. There’s no such thing as a poindexter Alpha Male because with men brawn will win out over brains. 

Alpha females, on the other hand, have both. We are sexy, dynamic and smart as hell. Figuring out who is an alpha is like studying evolution, and women are definitely the more evolved species. Need proof? Men have spent hundreds of years trying to “put women in their place.” Unknown to them our place is at the top, and despite decades of trying to keep us in the kitchen we still ran train over that dumb idea. So when we’re shutting you down in the board room, walking over you in 5 inch stilettos, and calling you for sex because we know you’ll come running, it’s because of what I’ve said before: The man may be the head of a house but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head any way she wants.

B Slata

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