Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Meeting Random Awesome People

Have you ever met a random awesome person? You hear stories all the time about people who just randomly meet each other when they're not expecting it and they become just awesome friends. It's awesome because in that short amount of time you two had an effect on each other that made each of you say, "That person was awesome." Next thing you know, you exchange numbers and boom, you're friends. 

For instance, three weeks ago I'm sitting in an Atlantic City casino at a bar watching the Rangers against the Senators in game 3. Suddenly I meet a man named Dave and we just start shooting the shit for about forty five minutes to an hour. Next thing you know the Rangers win, I buy the shots of Jameson and I give him my card when I'm about to leave. Just two guys having an awesome conversation. Suddenly, in game 6 of that series the Rangers are up and I get a text asking me if I'm ready for a shot as a carry over from AC. I knew who it was right away and now Dave and I talk during every Ranger game doing a shot of Jameson and a text of "Ranger Nation" after every win. Long story short, Dave is the man and I'm happy to say he's my friend. 

And then we have my manager at work. He just happens to sit next to this guy on a plane when he was flying somewhere with his family. Little does he know that the person he's sitting next to is friends with a bunch of pro athletes and celebrities and owns his own business doing audio visual and sound work for these people. They went from meeting on a plane to becoming awesome friends. The guy comes into the bar every time he's in town, never wants anything for free, just comes to support his friend's bar. And occasionally he'll buy a round of drinks for the entire bar, which benefits all of us. 

How many of you have every met a random awesome person that you ended up staying in contact with and becoming friends with? It's awesome because it happens all the time and it can happen any time as long as you're not a miserable bastard who wants nothing to do with other people. No one likes to be by themselves and that's the only thing you have in common once you start talking to someone random. But you never know, that random person you meet just might turn into a good friend. 

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