Tuesday, May 15, 2012

C U Next Tuesday's: Stories Of You Cunt Ex Girlfriend

Story from Glenn (Maine)

"It was promotion day for my girlfriend. Well, not really promotion day, but more like just leaving her old shitty job day and moving to one that she actually wanted to do. But of course, being a girl, she had to make a scene on her last day of work at her old job. You know, because women can't leave anywhere without making a scene about how much they're gonna miss everyone and all that nonsense. So I bought her a card and a nice balloon saying congratulations thinking I'm being nice and I bring it to her at her last day of work. Later that night we're in the car and she's being all pissy with me. Finally I ask her what's wrong. She tells me that I didn't react the way she thought I was gonna react. I reacted like a friend and not her boyfriend. I don't know what "friend" would buy you a card and balloons on your make a big scene last day at work, but if a friend buys you that he's probably fucking you behind my back."

How are you supposed to react to that? Maybe she just wanted you to act like a total asshole, not show up at her job, and not get her anything. For the most part, she was an ungrateful bitch is what I'm getting out of this story. 

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