Monday, April 9, 2012

She Thinks He's The Psycho...

Everyone has that friend who has had that relationship that has ended abruptly and him and his ex just absolutely despise each other. All he wanted was your run of the mill relationship, all she wanted to do was prance around like she was single and yell at him for stupid shit. After that first red flag they just kept on coming. And he didn't walk away in time. 

When you don't walk away in time, she breaks up with you. When she breaks up with you, she tells all her friends why she broke up with you. When she tells all her friends why she broke up with you, she says it's because you were a psycho. Oh contrare bitches, look back at the highlights, you're in denial because you're actually the psycho. 

What do I mean? Let's start with a dumb fight. Your friend has a cold, your boyfriend says that your friend will get over it and you respond by telling your boyfriend that he's not sensitive enough to your friend's cold. Does anyone else realize how ridiculous that sounds? It's a fucking cold bitch, it's not cancer, she will get over it. Why would anyone be sensitive to your fucking dumb bitch friend having a cold? It's a cold, take some Benadryl, she's going to live I promise. 

Anything else? Yeah, fighting with him because he joked about the price of something. Another ridiculous thing. It was a joke, you know like one where people smile and laugh. You get it? No need to start a fight because he's being "tacky". So with just those two short stories, who would you think is the psycho? I'm going with the woman here. But I'll let you make the call. One thing is still for sure. She definitely still thinks he's the psycho. 

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