Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sappy Romance Movies Need To Go

I've just about had it with Hollywood.  First we had all these movies just replaying like sloppy seconds in theaters (because everyone wants to spend $15 to go to a movie they can buy at the dollar store). So then they start spicing it up with 3D, okay I can deal with that.  Now they are just being ridiculous coming out with movies that are completely unrealistic.  And no, I'm not talking about how the new Avengers movie looks like a CG nightmare.  I'm talking about all these sappy romantic movies just hitting every girl in the face since Valentines day.  

Why are they so unrealistic? Because in all these movies, the girl is RUNNING AWAY FROM THE HOT GUY.  Let's take The Vow. A movie about some chick who gets in a car accident and wakes up to realize she can't remember her husband, played by Channing Tatum.  The rest of the movie is about him trying to win her back through these insanely cute things he does to spark her memory, all to no avail.  Sorry if I just ruined the movie for any of you girls, but I did you a favor because watching this movie will make you want to just break out the vodka and chocolate.  So next we have The Lucky One.  For those of you that don't know, the movie is about a Marine who finds a picture of a hot girl on the ground, and when he stops to pick it up he's saved from a bomb the detonates a few feet from him.  He goes on this big search to find her and ends of falling for this chick.  But of course she's got all this other drama going on so she rejects him.

Do you really think if a hot guy walks up to the door and starts doing all kinds of romantic stuff that girls would really run away? Fuck no.  If Zac Efron walks up shirtless to my door the only place I'm going to be running to is the bedroom.  Not to mention you keep hearing all these girls say stupid stuff like "I hate these movies! No guy would ever really do something that nice for a girl."  Even if that's true, that's not the issue.  The problem is that when they do it in the movie the girl just shuts his sensitive ass down. So let's stop pretending all these real nice Ryan Gosling types are just a dime a dozen and chicks can afford to drop them.  It makes guys think they shouldn't even bother doing all this romance crap.  Trust me men, if you build it we will come...

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