Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Can You Stoop Any Lower Than Passing Out While Taking A Shit In A Mexican Restaurant?


If you had to pick a guy out of a lineup who passed out in the bathroom of a mexican restaurant it would be this guy. But it gets better. He passed out as he was taking a shit. I mean normally people pass out after throwing up from drinking too much but this guy takes the cake just pulling an Elvis and passing out while actually shitting. I mean he survived, Elvis didn't (too soon?). Wait, and it gets even better. As he was being pulled out by the cops he couldn't even pull his pants up so everyone watching him get arrested got a nice peep show. Let's be honest, this is fucking hilarious. How much do you have to drink to pass out while you're taking a shit? I would ask this guy, but he probably doesn't remember. Gotta love the intensity though, just not giving a fuck how much he drinks, he's just there to blackout and pass out on the shitter. I love it. 

Sidenote: Read the article. In the middle they make it like the people reading don't know what a toilet bowl is. 

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