Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Girl Is Probably Cheating On You If...

Not even if your suspicious because women can fool you and you really have no idea, but here are ways to tell if your girl is cheating on you. It's obviously brought to you by me, Daddy, so you should pay attention and listen up. 

5) She's overly touchy feely: You know how she is and you know how she isn't. If she's never been touchy feely with you and then suddenly she's all over you like Sandusky on a nine year old, you should know something's up. She's probably feeling guilty and now is making you think she's madly in love with you. Trust me, she isn't. 

4) She's been going to bed ridiculously early: Your girl is like a fucking night owl, she stays up all night texting you and keeping you awake. But suddenly over the span of a few weeks she's been going to bed extremely early for her. Yeah, because bed means she's been going out with some other dude who's probably got a cock like an elephant trunk. 

3) Something's Off: You can't put your finger on it, but she's been acting different lately. You can just tell by how she is when you're together that things just aren't what they used to be. Yeah, and it's because there's been a different penis in her vagina lately. 

2) She tries to justify that "other guy": There's another guy texting her constantly and you're finally sick of it. But when you actually say something about it she tries to justify something like he says nice things to her and you don't or something along those lines. That's a load of bullshit because she's definitely sucking his dick. 

1) She's acting like a freak during sex: Not once has she ever acted like a real freak during sex. She's never yelled or said dirty things to you and suddenly you're having sex with her and it's like she's a totally different person. That's because she's fucking someone else or multiple other people. Girls don't just become freaks overnight, that takes time and she's been finding that time with people who aren't you. 

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