Friday, March 9, 2012

Are These Guys The Biggest Assholes On The Planet?

I don't know what would possess anyone to actually do this, but I have to say that this is one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest thing I have ever seen. There is no amount of money you can pay me to try and sled myself through a ring of fire at a blistering 8mph and then follow it up by dragging me around on my stomach in the snow. And can I ask why you would attempt to basically wiggle your way through that ring of fire while you're almost at a complete stop. You knew you were gonna get burnt, yet you did nothing to stop it. It's like a person who watches a mosquito biting them. Except this looks like it hurts way more, and that makes you a bigger asshole. 

Sidenote: Great friends you have who didn't even budge to try and help you out a smidge while you laid their struggling to get out of the ring of fire. 

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