Monday, February 6, 2012

You're Already Two Feet In, You Might As Well Just Go All The Way...

There is one thing in life that I will never understand and that is taking someone into the bathroom while you're out at a bar or club. Unless it's your girlfriend for a quickie, there is no reason to take someone in a bathroom to do shit with them. But this isn't even about bathroom sex, because I've spoken about that before. This is about the women who go into the bathroom with a guy, and then come out saying they haven't done anything. 

"Yeah, I took him in the bathroom, but we didn't have sex." What? I'm very confused by that statement sweetheart. The slutty thing is not only having sex with the random guy in the bathroom, the slutty thing starts just by going with the random guy in the bathroom. Does that make sense? 

And if you go into the bathroom with the random guy, why not just go all the way at that point? You've already jumped in with both feet, you might as well just bang him and add to the list of why you're a slut. Oh, right, you have respect for yourself. I guess having respect for yourself consists of you taking random guys into disgustingly dirty bathrooms and only giving them handjobs. Got it. I don't know how I could have been so confused. 

What's the moral of the story? Moral of the story here is that the slutty thing doesn't start when you have sex with the guy in the bathroom. It starts when you go into the bathroom. Basically, if you go in, you might as well bang him. At that point, it really can't hurt your cause. 

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