Monday, February 13, 2012

Why Women Hate The Word Crazy...The Female Response

A few days ago the subject of calling a girl "crazy" came up.  I think men underestimate the effect this word has on the female psyche. I'm going to try and explain what happens in our brains the minute you even hint that we are acting crazy. Guys, imagine you're at a bar just trying to get a beer.  Next thing you know some punk is rubbing up on your girlfriend and calling you a pussy. Immediately you go into hyperactive overdrive thinking how can I inflict as much pain as possible and prove to this guy I'll kick his ass?  For women, it's the same thing. The minute you call us crazy we start to see red and think I'm going to freak the fuck out and put this guy through as much emotional pain as possible until he knows what crazy is. 

Why do we hate this word so much? As I've said before, women hate the word crazy because we all know a chick who is truly insane. Like, calls their man 30 times in one hour, drives by their house 5 times a day and steals their Facebook passwords to check their messages without him knowing, crazy.  Most of us would never do that. So if you even suggest that we in some way shape or form are like those psychotic bitches it sends us in to hyper defense mode. 

Also, as Steve said most of the time guys use it as a cop out for something they did.  This is the most unfair fucking thing in the world.  It's like relationship monopoly where every guy has 100 get out jail free cards and girls are sitting on Baltimore with jack shit.  Doesn't matter how bad you fucked shit up, call her crazy and suddenly it's all her fault. You forget our birthday and we get mad at you? Crazy.  We catch you checking out the waitress at our anniversary dinner and tell you to knock it the fuck off? Crazy.  You say you'll call and 3 days go by so we text you to make sure you're still alive? Crazy.  We get sick of your shit and cheat on you with your arch rival? Crazy.  Okay so the last one really is mean, but sometimes we just have to even out the playing field.  If you're gonna call us crazy, we may as well reap the benefits.  So call us bitches, call us sluts, but do not fucking call us crazy. 

B Slata