Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is She A Slut For Sending Her Boyfriend Nudie Pics?

Is she a slut for sending her boyfriend nudie pics, or is she not a slut for sending her boyfriend nudie pics? That is the main question to be answered here today. If you think that she's not a slut for sending her boyfriend nudie pics, I am here to tell you that you are most likely wrong. Even though it's your boyfriend, sending him naked pictures of yourself makes you no better than that girl sending it to some random kid. 

Here's the truth to this whole dilemma. There is a difference between being a slut, and being adventurous with your boyfriend. Being adventurous with your boyfriend is handcuffs, whips, spanking, whipped cream, lingerie, chocolate syrup, hot wax and a three way at some point. Being a slut is taking pictures of yourself naked and sending them to him. 

Why is that being a slut? Because your boyfriend is a guy, and what do guys do? Well, guys are like sport fishermen. We catch a fish and we show our friends the fish that we have the ability to catch. Meaning, that when you send a picture of yourself, even though he's your boyfriend he's still showing every single one of his close friends. Especially if you're hot. If you're hot he's just showing everyone so he can tell them, "Check out what I'm having sex with." 

You're asking to be called a slut if you send your boyfriend nudie pics. It's the same thing if your boyfriend sends you a dick pic. Why? You get to see it on a regular basis anyway, why the fuck do you need pictures? So yes, if you send your boyfriend nudie pics you are being a slut even though it is your boyfriend. You may not agree with me, but it's the way the world works. 

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