Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm Sorry, I Forgot You Actually Knew Whitney Houston...

The world of facebook is the entire reason I don't need a television anymore. All I need is facebook. Why? Because every time something big happens, it's updated on everyone's status like they're suddenly experts on the situation. Or when someone dies everyone instantly knows and loved that person. For example, Whitney Houston this past weekend. 

I go on my laptop on Saturday and I look and see about twelve to fifteen statuses of RIP Whitney Houston.  So now what do I do? I double check on google. Google then confirms that Whitney Houston is in fact dead. First off, isn't it sad that I said I had to double check on google? Horrendous what this world has come to, I know. 

Alright, so now facebook is blowing up like these people were best friends with Whitney Houston. Listen, you never met her, spoke to her, or anything along those lines. She doesn't give a fuck about you. She blew one too many lines and now she's dead. That's what happens when you do that many drugs in one sitting; you die. 

Am I a cold hearted grouch because I don't give a fuck about someone I didn't know personally? No, because my every day life isn't going to change just because a singer did too much coke in too little time. And you know what the beauty of this is? It's not gonna change your every day life one bit either. So for those of you who disagree with what I'm saying...Suck me. 

Sidenote: No I will not comment on last night's Grammy Awards for no other reason than that I didn't actually watch them. I watched my facebook. 

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