Friday, December 9, 2011

Women, They Just Over Analyze Everything

Women and men have a lot of differences when it comes to the way we all look at things. But I think that the biggest difference is the way we really think about things. There's no underlined meanings with guys, we just say what we mean and we just take what you say literally. Women just take everything that's said and overanalyze it until they're blue in the face. 

Here's what it's like for men. You tell us something, we take it literally. Like when a girl says to us, "I'm mad, take me home," our next move is taking you home. Or if you tell us you're going out with the girls tonight, our next move is going out with the guys because we're not expecting to hang out with you. Guys have very simple logic, we MAKE SENSE. 

As for women, you overanalyze everything. When a guy says to you, "I really don't wanna talk to you right now," it doesn't mean sit there and wonder to yourself if we really want you to call us because we're testing you. We're not testing you, we really don't wanna talk to you. Or if we tell you we're going out with the guys tonight, it doesn't mean we want you to tell us how badly you want to hang out with us, because we already have plans with the guys. 

These are just two basic examples of women over analyzing things, there are plenty more examples that I am positive everyone can think of. But the bottom line here is that women will always think things mean more than they actually mean. Another example girls, a drunken phone call is just a drunken phone call, it doesn't mean we really want to be with you sober. Goodbye. 

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