Monday, December 5, 2011

A Woman Thing To Do: Secret Santa

Secret Santa is such a woman thing to do. Every year groups of girls get together with their best friends and pull a name out of a hat and decide to "secretly" buy presents for each other. You all think you're so slick and that no one has any clue who has who when in reality you all know who is getting what for each other within three hours. What is the point of this "Secret" Santa?

I actually noticed a very woman thing to do is to actually get christmas presents for each other during this time of the year. Why are you buying each other presents? For the most part, a ton of women I know complain that they don't make any money, yet they spend the extra money on buying their friends presents. I don't get it. And why do this secret santa thing if you're all already getting presents for each other, it defeats the purpose. 

Do you think guys get each other things for christmas? We don't, we barely wish each other a merry christmas or a happy hanukkah or whatever other holiday we have. We talk about football and sports and we go out and get hammered. But we don't buy each other presents. Why? Because we know our friendship is good enough that we don't have to get each other presents. 

So is that why you do it girls? Because girls have this tendency of talking shit behind each other's back? I think that could be a reason. You all kind of feel bad so now you have to act even faker by buying each other a gift that will make you fell less guilty about the shit you talk when each of you isn't around. Baking christmas cookies and having a secret santa party, it's the biggest holiday facebook status between December 1st and December 23rd. Keep your eyes peeled for it. 

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