Monday, December 12, 2011

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Again Producer Mike coming through with an awesome idea here, this is Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today. It will be a daily column running through the end of his season. I'll probably run out of idea's after awhile but we'll see. Let me just say, that I do not hate Tim Tebow the person. Hating Tim Tebow the person is like supporting Casey Anthony. He's a genuine guy who always says all the right things, but he's not a good quarterback no matter what anyone says. 

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Tim Tebow sucks today because everyone thinks he is the greatest quarterback to ever play the game. In this time span we have seen onside kicks, 59 yard field goals, guys stepping out of bounds when all they have to do is go down, fumbles, defenses giving up the sidelines when the Broncos have no timeouts, and teams switching to prevent defenses when Tebow has been bottled up the whole game. This isn't like it's some mystery here. It's more of teams forgetting how to play football than the fucking almighty Tebow being great. How many teams in the NFL have kickers that can kick a 60 yard field goal? He's being carried more by his defense and his kicker than he's carrying his team. He throws dump offs and hitch routes that get his team down the field because the defense just decides to lay back in the fourth quarter. Oh, we're making a big deal about his receivers dropping the ball. They dropped four passes, he threw 40 times. When Eli Manning's receivers drop the ball we don't say shit (his receivers lead the league in drops). But when Tebow's receivers drop the ball it's a travesty. All the supporters are caught up in the moment, not the big picture. Yeah, he's great TV, he's not a great quarterback. 

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