Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Where Are The Marlins Getting All This Money?


So I have this crazy question, where the fuck did the Marlins get all this money? For a franchise that has never had money to build a $634 million stadium, sign Reyes to a $106 million deal and now offer Albert Pujols a 10 year contract, just doesn't seem real. The Mets lost $70 million last season, and these guys built a stadium almost ten times that amount and still have money to sign all these guys? Good, give these guys those long term contracts. Reyes will be hurt every year and unless Pujols takes some of that Roger Clemens juice, he has about five great years left. They also just signed Heath Bell to a nice $9 million a year. I have a theory on this. Remember Nevin Shapiro, the University of Miami booster? Somehow, someway, he will definitely be linked to this. Chances are he might actually own the fucking team when the Securities and Exchange Commission gets done looking at this. Something fishy is going on in Florida, it's just a matter of time until it all comes out. 

Sidenote: With all this money, they couldn't have came up with a better logo? That's the most hideous thing I've ever seen. 

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