Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rate The Michigan State Cheerleaders Going Down Like A Ton Of Bricks

Yeah, shitty video but it's good enough. When you can't find a great video anywhere sometimes you just need to make it happen yourself. That's what I do because I'm a fucking doer. Anyway, how would you rate these Michigan State broads absolutely eating shit during their little performance right here? You know something? From the looks of the video, it doesn't look like they went down that hard. So they hit a hardwood floor, it happens. Get up, rub some dirt on it and continue on. Why isn't cheerleading a sport? Because they won't play through injury. I give them about a C minus on both the fall and the injury that followed. There was nothing spectacular about the fall that made me say, "Damn, that looked like it hurt." Sure one girl left on a stretcher, but if you saw the look on her face, she was kind of laughing about it. What she was probably thinking was, "God, this is gonna be all over the internet in an hour." And you know what? She was absolutely right. 

Sidenote: How great would it be if you could tell your friends that you were the guy who banged the injured Michigan State cheerleader who was on ESPN? 

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