Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Newest Million Dollar Idea?

In the wake of all these things coming out with coaches touching little kids at big time colleges such as Penn State and Syracuse, there are a group of my friends who have come up with what is probably the next million dollar idea. Now, before I go on I will warn that about 99.9% of you will think this is the most messed up thing you've ever heard, but that .01% will find this absolutely hilarious. 

Well, let me start off by saying this is not the most politically correct idea in the world, but it's fucking genius. I have a group of friends who all went to a catholic high school. They were thinking that what if maybe they all decided to put together a plot that had to do with all of them being molested by a priest who used to work at their high school? Yeah, they actually sat down and thought hard about this. 

But could this be the next big million dollar idea? Let's say there's seven of them, all with the same story. This guy says that his buddy used to come home crying every day after school, another guy says that he was touched in a confessional, and then all their stories seem to piece together. They get a janitor in on this deal to say he saw shit and never said anything, then they pay him off later. Who needs to invent the next Shamwow when you went to an all boys catholic high school surrounded by priests? 

That's exactly what these guys were thinking. They could probably get a couple of hundred million dollars out of this ordeal. All they really need is a lynch pin to this whole deal and they'll probably be swimming in money. Is it messed up? Yes, it's extremely messed up, not gonna lie. But is is innovative? Yes, and innovation can be played with. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, but it's a hilarious thought to watch people sit around and contemplate this as a get rich quick scheme. 

Sidenote: This was all in good fun and a joke, so please don't take this seriously like this is actually gonna happen. If you take anything I say seriously on here then you obviously don't know this blog very well. 

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