Thursday, December 1, 2011

Man Or Woman, We Both Have Some Screws Loose...

Human beings are a terrible race. We really do live in a sick world. Aside from all the terrible shit that goes on, we also have to deal with playing total mind games with members of the opposite sex. It's never about actually telling someone how you feel, why would we do that? Quite honestly, we're all a little sick in the head. 

Let's say you exchange numbers. You can't text the person the next day. Why would you do that? They might actually think you're interested and take advantage of you. Chances are that they will. But how sick are we that we play these games with each other? Men show zero emotion and women never say what they actually mean. We drive each other to binge drink like Lindsay Lohan on a Tuesday.  

Then when we hang out with each other. She wants this but he wants that. He doesn't know what she wants because she swears she doesn't care. And she isn't happy with what he decides. But there is always a lack of communication because communicating would mean that we were normal. She'll just leave unhappy and he'll leave thinking that it sucked. But you will never actually talk about why it sucked. This paragraph is obviously in regards to going on a date, get a clue. 

Even people in relationships play games with each other. "He didn't text me back right away so now I'm gonna make him wait exactly 23 minutes before I text him back." You and your brilliant thinking, I love it. Couples rip each other's heads off constantly, it's actually a fucking spectacle. Bottom line, we all have some screws loose and games are always gonna be played. If you're one of the people who says, "I'm done with playing games," just wait until you start talking to someone. The games will be played, you just won't realize it. Almost like Magic doesn't even realize he has AIDS anymore. 

Sidenote: It's national AIDS awareness day, did you really think I would go all of today without taking a stab at Magic Johnson? 

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