Tuesday, December 6, 2011

@jimboslicee's #TweetoftheDay .. Logan Morrison May Have Something Coming

The Person...
- Logan Morrison @LoMoMarlins (Florida Marlins Outfielder)

The Tweet...
- "Just to clear up any confusion, I will be playing SS for the Marlins next season..."

The Reaction...
- For those of you living under a rock, Logan Morrison is probably the king of twitter when it comes to baseball players... And all a sudden the marlins are spending money on free agents with the latest of course being All star shortstop Jose Reyes to go along with their already all star shortstop Hanley Ramirez so there's a little controversy as to who will be the shortstop but I think it's safe to say it won't be Logan.

But Logan may have something coming... I got news for you, if the Marlins sign Pujols then I don't think it'll be Gaby Sanchez who is moved, I think it'll be Logan... That Marlins ownership hates Logan after the stuff he pulled last year so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he gets moved for a pitcher...

Enjoy it while it lasts Logan... And hope Albert isn't coming

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