Friday, December 16, 2011

Girlfriend Material

I told you it was coming, and now it's here. So, what exactly is girlfriend material? Well, since every girl thinks she knows it all, and Cosmopolitan Magazine thinks they know it all, I'm going to tell you from the guys perspective what girlfriend material is. If you think women know what girlfriend material is, you're wrong. Guys don't know what boyfriend material is, and we're perfectly fine with that. 

Now, let's get away from the one night stands. Everyone has them, the dudes who are trying to make chicks their girlfriends do not do one night stands. And the girls trying to get wifed up don't do one night stands either. Therefore, we're excluding one night stands from the conversation. So let's move on to the real conversation. 

What is girlfriend material? First and foremost, you're into the guy, but you're not on top of him all the time. Like yeah, you like him but you're not clingy. You text and talk, but it's not an all day type of deal. You talk, say what's up, see how the day's going and you make some plans to hang out. You're not sitting there talking about what your favorite fucking color is and what's the best vacation you've ever been on. It's simple, it's talking and you're cool about it. He knows you're into him, but he likes that you're not trying to smother him. Also, you like to party but you know how to be a lady. This is key. 

Once you have passed all the pre requisites we move on to actually hanging out. Let's say you go out to eat first. You actually order something real to eat. Not like a salad or something that ruins the point of going out. Next, you offer to split the bill. Now no guy in his right mind would ever make you pay, but when you offer to split the bill you come off sounding independent like you don't actually need us. We like it when a girl isn't needy. Lastly, if it gets to the point where you're in a bedroom, it's too far. If you're girlfriend material you can't touch a guys dick on the first night. You can't be giving up the pussy too easily, we won't want you anymore. If pussy was a stock it would be plummeting right now because you girls have flooded the market with it, you're giving it away too easy. Don't be one of these girls, just don't do it on the first night. 

Also, don't do it on the second night. By date number three if you want to start fucking around with this guy who you now know a lot better and you're starting to like, it's all systems go. Go crazy. Moral of the story here is that for girlfriend material you need to be into us, but not smothering us. You like to party, but you never get sloppy, you're independent and not needy, and you don't give up the pussy easily. Trust me, the pussy holds all the power. If you give it away too easily, guys don't want it anymore. I hope this let's you know what girlfriend material somewhat looks like before I have girls jumping down my throat again. If not, well, it's not my problem. 

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