Friday, December 2, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award
This girl has some serious balls on her. Listen to this shit. This girl is suing the her former high school, the former principle and superintendent and the town because she sent a kid naked pictures of herself and he sent them to everyone and their mother. She says she sent them to the kid and he started calling her a whore and then she tried to commit suicide several times. I have so many thoughts about this right now. First of all, how is it the schools fault that you decided to take naked pictures of yourself and send them to this kid? Second of all, you are a whore, you actually sent out the naked picture of yourself. Like taking the naked picture of yourself doesn't make you a whore because I'm sure girls do it all the time just to see if they're looking good. Sending it to your boyfriend doesn't even make you a whore. But when you send it to some random dude, it makes you a whore. What'd you think this kid was gonna do with it? Use it for himself? Wrong, obviously he was gonna send out a mass email with all your nudies on it. And lastly, I'm pretty sure you have to fuck up really bad to attempt suicide several times. Suicide seems like a one shot deal to me, I'm not buying this from you. Here's your t-shirt, I'm sure I'll be seeing you in a Hustler Magazine in the near future. 

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